Why Teach your Kid Math?

Why Teach your Kid Math?

Mathematics is not just a subject confined to textbooks and classrooms; it's a vital skill that permeates every aspect of our lives. Introducing young children to the wonders of math at an early age can lay a strong foundation for their future academic success and problem-solving abilities. In this guide, we'll explore what math awakening entails, its benefits, and practical methods to nurture it in young minds through everyday activities or educational games.

1. What is Math Awakening?

Math awakening is the process of introducing mathematical concepts to children in a way that is accessible, engaging, and relevant to their everyday experiences. It involves igniting their curiosity and enthusiasm for numbers, shapes, patterns, and problem-solving from a young age. Rather than viewing math as a daunting subject, math awakening encourages children to see the beauty and utility of mathematics in the world around them.

2. What are the benefits?

The benefits of early math skills in children are multifaceted and far-reaching:

  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Exposure to mathematical concepts early on helps children develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, enabling them to tackle challenges with confidence and creativity.

  • Improved Academic Performance: Early math skills are strong predictors of later academic achievement. Children who receive early math skills are better equipped to excel in various subjects, including science, technology, engineering, and even arts.

  • Boosted Confidence: Mastering mathematical concepts at a young age boosts children's self-esteem and confidence in their abilities, setting them up for success in future learning endeavors.

  • Practical Life Skills: Math skills instills practical life skills, such as budgeting, time management, and spatial reasoning, which are essential for navigating the complexities of everyday life.

3. Daily-life activities to improve maths skills

There are many ways to make math enjoyable and accessible for young children. Here are some examples of incorporating math into everyday activities:

  • Count the stairs out loud as you go up or down with them.

  • Play guessing games with your little one to stimulate their observation and critical thinking skills. For instance:
    - "I spy with my little eye 2 green cars on the street. Can you spot them? Where are they?"
    - "How many steps do you think it takes to reach daddy's car?"

  • Sing songs and nursery rhymes that include numbers! 

  • Give precise instructions to your child to help them locate objects in space. For example, instead of pointing to an object with your finger, ask them, "Can you go get the stuffed animal that's next to the small chair?" This fosters spatial reasoning skills.

  • Teach them to group items, like sorting socks by pairs and clothes by color or usage (school, sports, etc.) or even to arrange sweaters from smallest to largest.

4. Educational games to improve maths skills

Using educational games that incorporate math concepts can make learning fun and interactive, fostering independence in children's learning and providing you with some free time.

  • Osmo Genius Starter Kita unique educational gaming accessory that opens up your iPad to the infinite possibilities of physical play. Powered by reflective artificial intelligence, it fosters a love for math and other STEM topics in your kids.

  •  Tokidos PlayCubes: a powerful and screen-free edutainment system specifically designed for 3 to 8-year-old children. Whether playing alone, with friends, or with family, the PlayCubes ensure endless entertainment possibilities with great educational value. And the  best part, it's all screen-free!

    Featuring a variety of math games tailored to your child's level, they'll enhance skills in arithmetic, quantitative reasoning, problem-solving, and spatial awareness as they play!


In conclusion, fostering a passion for math in young children is crucial for their academic success and problem-solving skills. By igniting curiosity for numbers, shapes, and patterns early on, children establish a strong mathematical foundation.

While daily experiences offer chances to practice math awakening, exploring educational alternatives like the Osmo Genius Kit or Tokidos Playcubes provides engaging, interactive experiences, fostering independence in children's learning.

At Tokidoswe’re driven by turning child development science into the most fun games to ignite their love for learning!

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