Instructions to Get Started with Your PlayCubes

Having trouble with your PlayCubes or games? Check our troubleshooting page for detailed steps to resolve the issue.

The instructions will be divided into three parts: connecting to Wi-Fi, automatic updates, and downloading games. You can find the video instructions on YouTube via the following link.

Connecting PlayCubes to WIFI

Downloading the Tokidos Parental App

Search for 'Tokidos' on the Apple store or Google Play Store.

Connect to WIFI

1. Create your account on the Tokidos Parental App.

You can do so with either of the the options below:

  • Use the email you use most regularly and a password that will be easy for you to remember.
  • Quick connect by using your Gmail or Facebook accounts.

2. After logging in your account, click 'Connect PlayCubes' in your phone and check the checklist

Please make sure that:

A. PlayCubes are ALL turn ON and in the Carry Box

  • Press and hold the back button for 3 seconds to turn each cube on.
  • Make sure all your PlayCubes click in the Carry Box

B. Carry Box is plugged into power

  • Please use the cable provided in the box.
  • Please use an adapter with a power rating of more than 2 Amps, and DO NOT use the Apple adapter.

C. WI-FI Router is on

D. Wi-Fi password is in hand

E. Bluetooth is enabled on your phone

  • If you're using an Android device, make sure that location services are enabled.

Please wait until you see the MouthCube display the Wi-Fi animation. Then, check off all the items on your app's checklist and tap 'Start.'

3. Follow the instruction on your app to connect the WIFI

If the PlayCubes are detected, a message stating "PlayCubes detected" will appear. Please click "Next" to proceed.

The app will then display a list of available Wi-Fi networks. Select the desired network and enter the corresponding password.

  • Wi-Fi connection may take 30 to 60 seconds
  • Make sure you hear 'Wi-Fi credentials saved' from the Mouth Cubes.
  • Please wait a moment until the success page appears on the app. Once you press 'Ready to Play!' on your app. Your MouthCube will say 'Wi-Fi is connected!' and display a colorful animation.

Automatic updates for the PlayCubes

Once the Wi-Fi is connected and reaches the cloud, the automatic updates will proceed. Please note that the updates will occur twice.

  • The Mouth Cube will now display a loading indicator, followed by the same indicator appearing on all other cubes. The update will then begin, marked by a green progress bar.
  • This process will take approximately 1 to 2 minutes to complete. Upon completion, a success indicator will be displayed on the PlayCubes, and you will hear the message, 'Firmware is updated.'
  • Please note that the updates will occur TWICE. The PlayCubes will restart and perform the same steps again. This is entirely normal; please allow it to complete.

Downloading and playing games

Before downloading the new games, please make sure:

  • PlayCubes are in their Carry Box and turned on.
  • The Carry box is plugged into power.
  • The cloud icon will appear above the MouthCube.

Start the downloading process

1. Insert the new PlayCards into the MouthCube.

2. Hearing the MouthCube saying 'Requesting download', the download would start on all the PlayCubes.

3. Please wait for two confirmations from the MouthCube. As the process includes downloading and preparing the game, you will first hear 'We’re preparing the game' followed by 'We’re ready to play.'

  • Games only need to be downloaded once and will be stored on the PlayCubes, allowing you to play anywhere. Wi-Fi is only required for the initial download.
  • If you have received multiple games, it is recommended to download all of them at once before you begin playing, following the same process.

Start playing the games

Please take out the PlayCubes from the charging box and insert the PlayCard into the MouthCube and you could enjoy the games from there

  • If the game inserted has not been previously downloaded, it will automatically begin downloading, provided you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.
  • For multiplayer games, if you wish to change the number of participants, you will need to remove the PlayCards and reinsert them.

Troubleshooting and Q&A

For more detailed troubleshooting steps, please visit this page.

Connecting to WIFI

What should I do if my app can't detect my PlayCubes?

  • Regarding your adapter: Please ensure that your adapter has a power rating greater than 2 Amps and is not an Apple adapter. Insufficient power may result in failure.
  • Regarding your bluetooth: Please check your bluetooth setting and make sure it is enabled. If you're using an Android device, make sure that location services are enabled.

What should I do if I fail to connect to my Wi-Fi?

  • Regarding your adapter: Please ensure that your adapter has a power rating greater than 2 amps and is not an Apple adapter. Insufficient power may result in failure.
  • Regarding your Wi-Fi environment: Please confirm that your Wi-Fi connection is stable in your home.
  • Regarding the instructions: Make sure you see the MouthCube displaying the Wi-Fi animation before attempting to connect to Wi-Fi.

If none of these methods makes a successful connection, please try connecting to your personal hotspot, as the issue may be related to the settings of the local Wi-Fi.

My app shows a failure, but I hear my PlayCubes saying "Wi-Fi is connected." What should I do?

This is a known issue. As long as you hear 'Wi-Fi is connected' from your MouthCube, it means your Wi-Fi is successfully connected. This error is expected to be resolved soon.

How can I change the Wi-Fi on my PlayCubes?

Log in to your app account and go to the 'Settings' page. Click on your PlayCubes, then click 'Connect to a new Wi-Fi' and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please select the new Wi-Fi network or personal hotspot you prefer to connect to from the Wi-Fi list that will be displayed later.

Can I connect the PlayCubes using my personal hotspot?


Connecting to your personal hotspot would be a good way to resolve the issue with the Wi-Fi environment.

If this is your first time connecting to Wi-Fi, please follow the onboarding instructions above and select your personal hotspot from the WI-FI list.

If you want to change the Wi-Fi, please refer to the answer to the question "How can I change the Wi-Fi on my PlayCubes?" and select your personal hotspot from the WI-FI list.

Automatic updates

If the automatic update fails, how can I perform a manual update?

Please try a manual update by following these steps:

  1. Open your app and go to the 'PlayRoom' page.
  2. Select your PlayCube and click the update button in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. You will see two updates available for your PlayCubes. Click on each update, then select the 'Update PlayCubes' button and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Repeat this process for the second update.

What should I do if both the automatic and manual updates fail?

If your PlayCubes continue to display waving lines after you hear 'Wi-Fi is connected' and the updates fail.

It means the PlayCubes are unable to reach the cloud to complete the necessary actions.

  1. This issue may be related to your home Wi-Fi settings. Please try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or, for best results, use your personal hotspot (recommended) and attempt the manual updates again. Refer to the response above for question 'How can I change the Wi-Fi on my PlayCubes?'
  2. If the issue persists, try performing a factory reset on your PlayCubes, reconnect to Wi-Fi, and then proceed with the updates once more. Please refer to this video to do the factory reset.
Downloading the games

What should I do if I hear "I'm missing some cubes" while downloading the game?

It could be related to your Wi-Fi settings, which may be preventing all 5 PlayCubes from connecting.

Please take the Mouth Cube, press the reset button benather the PlayCubes, and try downloading the games again.

Please always download the games after you hear 'WIFI is connected' and see the cloud image on your mouth cube.

What should I do if the game gets stuck while I'm trying to play it?

Please press the reset button on the bottom of the PlayCubes and reinsert the PlayCards.

How can I tell if there’s a new update for the game, and how should I proceed with the update?

Please note that all updates for the game will be free.

You will need to log in to your Tokidos app and go to the 'PlayRoom' page.

Click on your PlayCube, then click the 'Updates' button at the top right of the page.

You will be able to see all the available updates there, and you can click on the updates to follow the on-screen instructions to finish the updates.

General Questions

How can I reset my PlayCubes?

You will be able to find the reset button underneath each PlayCube.

Simply click the reset button for the mouth cube, and it will reset all the cubes together.

How should I turn off my PlayCubes?

Please note that there is no off switch.

You can simply set the PlayCubes aside, and after ten minutes of inactivity, they will automatically go to sleep.

How can I perform a factory reset on my PlayCubes?

Please be aware that performing a factory reset will erase all games and Wi-Fi credentials on the PlayCubes.

For instructions on how to perform a factory reset, please refer to this video.

How can I change the volume on my PlayCubes?

Please locate the plus and minus buttons underneath your Mouth Cube.

The plus button is for increasing the volume, and the minus button is for decreasing the volume.

These settings will apply to all of your PlayCubes.

How can I delete the downloaded game?

Please open your Tokidos app, go to the 'PlayRoom' page, click on your PlayCube, select the games you wish to delete, and then choose 'Uninstall Game.'

Follow the on-screen instructions to delete the games.


How can I contact you for technical support?

  • You can reach out to us by emailing
  • you can click on the 'Chat' button floating on this page. Please note that live chat support is available from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST. Outside of these hours, you can leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we're available.

How can I join the community group to ask my question?

You could join the facebook group and share your opinion with everyone here

I want to leave my feedback for the product. what should I do?

Please visit this page for the latest update and share your feedback here! Thank you for your input! :)