My PlayCubes fail to do the updates, the MouthCube is stuck on the waving line.
Please try click on the reset button of the MouthCube to test if it is stuck, if that wont solve the problem please follow the following troubleshooting step:
the reason the PlayCube didn't finish the update and couldn’t download the game is that it couldn't reach the cloud, which prevents the update from completing. Sometimes the network is blocking the connection to the cloud. so it is keeps showing the waving image but never cloud image.
We have two possible solutions for this situation:
- Please perform a factory reset on the MouthCube only (this will erase the Wi-Fi credentials and return it to the mode where it’s searching for Wi-Fi). Then, connect the PlayCube again using a Personal Hotspot. Follow the steps: go to the app > settings > click on your PlayCube > select "Connect to new WiFi," and follow the on-screen instructions, selecting your personal hotspot from the Wi-Fi list.
- Alternatively, perform a factory reset on the MouthCube only, then restart your router and try again.
The first option is recommended, as the hotspot connection is more stable.
For instructions on how to perform a factory reset on the MouthCube, please refer to the factory reset video below.